Internet Identity: The Basics

Learn about some of the most basic concepts of using Internet Identity.

How do I create an Internet Identity?

Creating an Internet Identity requires a device with authentication technology, such as fingerprint biometrics, or a FIDO device (i.e. Yubikey).

1. On your browser, go to

2. Select Create Internet Identity


3. Select Create passkey

4. Create a passkey to use with If your device has biometric authentication technology (i.e., Touch ID), you can create a passkey by continuing with biometric authentication. You can also choose a different authentication method by clicking Use Security Key or Use a different device.

Using Biometrics for passkey authentication Using a different device for passkey authentication
Safari Browser

Google Chrome | Brave Browser



For a detailed overview on how to add a passkey to your Internet Identity, see this dedicated support article

Continuing without a passkey

If you do not want to create a passkey during initial set up, you can select Continue without Passkey and create a temporary key from a PIN.

Clearing your browser's cache will erase this temporary key. Add a passkey if you want to hold assets with this identity.


  1. To create a temporary key from a PIN, click Continue and set pin.
  2. Create a 6 digit PIN, which will become your temporary key. Remember that clearing your browser's cache will erase this temporary key. Do not hold any assets with this identity.
  3. Solve the CAPTCHA test                                     
  4. A new Internet Identity is now created. Keep it in a safe place, as you'll need it whenever you want to add a new passkey to your Internet Identity. Click, I saved it, continue
    Created a Passkey Did not create a Passkey
  5. It is highly recommended to create a recovery phrase including your Internet Identity number and a unique 24-word combination representing your private key. You can set this up later.
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You will encounter a security warning when attempting to log in if a recovery phrase has not been set up.


Creating a recovery phrase

When creating your recovery phrase, you will be able to copy your recovery phrase to your clipboard. Ensure to have your recovery phrase and Internet Identity number somewhere secure before checking the "I have safely stored my recovery phrase" box and continuing. You will be asked to confirm your recovery phrase along with your Internet Identity number. Click Finish when done.

Selecting Recovery Device will prompt you to add a FIDO device as an additional recovery method. 

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If using a security key, insert it on your device and touch it. You may need to grant permissions to access your security key.

If using an iPhone, iPad, or Android device, scan the QR code shown with the device being added.

After setting up a recovery method, you can add a new passkey to your Internet Identity on the Manage your Internet Identity page.

